Geoquest in the UK, Ireland and Nordic countries, expertise and experience in reinforced backfill applications and soil-structure interaction.
United Kingdom

About y8Zd8OTYSc

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So far y8Zd8OTYSc has created 60 blog entries.

Australia: Geoquest takes part in the massive NorthLink WA project

2020-01-10T18:45:25+00:00March 21st, 2018|Project|

In Perth, Geoquest Australia designs and supplies 31,000 m² of TerraTilt® and TerraPlus® facing as part of the NorthLink West Australia road project. In 2016, the city of Perth embarked on highway construction works intended to meet the needs of a rapidly growing population. This large-scale project entitled NorthLink WA will provide the [...]

Canada: Geoquest walls on the Victor Road interchange

2020-01-10T18:45:38+00:00February 19th, 2018|Project|

In Saskatoon, Geoquest Canada built 1,080 m² of retaining walls for the new interchange of the city. The company Dream Asset Management and the city of Saskatoon launched an overpass cross highway building project. This interchange that connects Victor Road in the southeast area of Stonebridge to Highway 11 in the City of Saskatoon is aimed [...]

Peru: TechWall® walls for Uchumayo highway

2020-01-14T11:33:52+00:00January 22nd, 2018|Project|

Consisting of a two-lane low-level route for heavy vehicles plus two surface-level connector roads for urban traffic, this project was initially designed with conventional reinforced concrete walls. By proposing an alternative solution based on the use of TechWall® prefabricated walls with counterforts, Geoquest generated both time and budget [...]

Burkina Faso: Geoquest will enable to ease traffic flow in Ouagadougou

2020-01-09T12:11:22+00:00December 13th, 2017|Project|

In Burkina Faso, Geoquest is involved in the construction of Ouagadougou’s northern interchange, creating 12,000 m² of Reinforced Earth® access ramps. The construction works, located in the heart of the city, were commissioned by the Ministry of Infrastructure who awarded the contract to Sogea-Satom (VINCI Construction International Network). The interchange [...]

Diori and Katako interchange projects in Niger

2020-01-14T11:34:33+00:00July 4th, 2017|Group News, Project|

Geoquest France takes part to the Diori and Katako interchange projects in Niger. In Niamey, capital of Niger, located on the Niger River in the far west of the country, as part of the Diori and Katako interchange projects, Geoquest France provides the design, supply [...]

Geoquest’s highlights in 2016

2020-01-14T11:30:43+00:00January 6th, 2017|Company|

An overview of Geoquest's projects in 2016, among which: - Demir Kapija Bridge, Macedonia - Heads of the Valleys, United Kingdom - Herb Parkway, Canada - La Concordia Bridge, Mexico - SEA high-speed rail line, France - Muak Leak Reservoir, Thailand - The Northwest [...]

Venezuela – Reinforced Earth® walls for the “Cinta Costera”

2020-01-10T18:48:40+00:00December 7th, 2016|Project|

In Vargas State, Freyssinet-Geoquest is constructing Reinforced Earth® walls for the new 17-km long seafront In 2016 the Vargas State authorities launched a major project to construct a 17-km seafront in northern Venezuela, between the cities of Punta de Mulatos and Macuto. Freyssinet – Geoquest Venezuela was chosen to construct the walls of the works, using their [...]

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