Geoquest in the UK, Ireland and Nordic countries, expertise and experience in reinforced backfill applications and soil-structure interaction.
United Kingdom


BRAZIL – Geoquest Ltda. celebrated its 40th anniversary !

2020-01-10T19:02:08+00:00August 13th, 2015|Company|

Founded in Rio de Janeiro in August 1975, Geoquest has a portfolio of nearly 800 completed works, with a total facing area of more than one million sqm. Among our most significant works, we highlight the TerraClass dump wall of the "Cauê Project", in the State of Minas Gerais. This 27 [...]

RECO won The Concrete Institute of Australia Branch’s award

2020-01-10T19:02:31+00:00November 19th, 2014|Company|

The Concrete Institute of Australia Branch held their Annual Dinner last Friday 31st October 2014 in Perth. RECO is very proud to announce that we won an award on the night. The award was for the design and construction of a Reinforced Earth® TechSpan® arch at Mining Area [...]

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