Geoquest offers ArmaStone® mineral faced reinforced steep slopes for the construction of road and rail infrastructure, airports, land development, industrial facilities, waste management and hydraulic works.

Built as earth retaining structures, slopes are constructed to an angle to horizontal typically between 45° and 76°. These reinforced soil structures are commonly referred to by engineers as Reinforced Soil Slopes (RSS) or Geosynthetic Reinforced Slopes (GRS). Geoquest’s success in this field has led to solutions that have reached a world record-setting RSS structure being built to a height exceeding 100m.


Steep slopes are used for the very diverse applications such as:

  • earth retaining structures
  • platform support
  • slope rehabilitation
  • gravitational risk protection (rockfall, landslides, avalanches)
  • protective bunds (sight barriers, explosion and assault barriers, sight and noise barriers)
  • flood levees and dikes
  • landfills

Design flexibility

Our unique approach provides engineers and builders with a range of technical solutions to best address your particular project requirements. This allows for designers to combine choices of facing elements with an unique selection of soil reinforcements. Facing elements and soil reinforcement components are precisely engineered by Geoquest on a project-specific basis, whether being permanent or temporary slope structures.

Mineral facing

ArmaStone® is an engineered solution for reinforced soil slopes which require an attractive mineral look, either to mimic the surrounding natural environment or simply to provide pleasing aesthetics for urban and peri-urban infrastructure.

ArmaStone® Facing system options   Soil reinforcement options
Premium Galvanized steel mesh, for increased durability GS Geostrips (GeoStrap™, EcoStrap™)
Standard Black steel mesh GG ArmaGrid® or TerraTextile™
    ST Steel strips






Our engineers will work with you to design solutions with ArmaStone® that will reach your durability expectations and life duration requirements. 

Design flexibility

Design flexibility

Our ArmaStone® solution allows for many combinations of facings and reinforcements to address projects specifics and challenges. Our engineers will put their technical excellence at the service of your projects to deliver designs and solutions along with supplying materials with the highest quality standards.

Facing options

Facing options

In line with your requirements, ArmaStone® will allow for the construction of structures presenting a pleasing appearance with mineral facing.

Speak to our team about your next project


    *Mandatory fields

    Engineering expertise and 120 years or more of service life

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    Guaranteeing long-term life duration and minimum necessity for maintenance of the infrastructure is of outmost importance, and our designs are optimised based on the service life that is required.


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