Advanced Avalanche Protection for Neskaupstaður

The project involved the construction of avalanche defences at Neskaupstaður. The defences comprised a 14m high catching earth dam and 13 No. 10m high breaking earth mounds (splitters) in the run out zone of snow avalanches. The defences formed the first phase of avalanche protection works to the town of Neskaupstaður on the east coast of Iceland.

Geoquest was initially contacted by the project consultant to assist in developing the design and specification.

Both the catching earth dam and the splitters comprised a 76° steep face to the upstream side of the mounds. This steep face was formed using Geoquest’s wire mesh facing system, a galvanised steel facing utilising galvanised steel high adherence reinforcing strips. Graded rock fill, obtained from blasting operations at the job site, provided the structural fill to the Reinforced Earth® structures.

Geoquest was chosen to design and supply these defences because of speed of erection, robustness and proven ability to withstand significant impact loading.

A construction view of the A6 Manchester Airport Relief Road project, showcasing a large retaining wall built using Geoquest Co. Ltd.'s precast concrete facing panels. The image highlights the integration of the road with surrounding infrastructure, illustrating the scale of the project and the innovative design solutions employed for the retaining walls and bridge abutments.

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