For more than 50 years, Geoquest companies have played an important role in all types of industrial projects throughout the world.
Our solutions bring structural, geotechnical and economic value to projects of all types, sizes and complexities. Reinforced Earth® MSE walls and precast arches and other Geoquest solutions are versatile and ideally suited for many industrial applications due to their inherent reliable ability to:
- Resist and support heavy loading
- Resist vibrations, impact and explosions
- Resist flood, fire and thermal shock
- Mitigate noise and interferences
As opposed to most urban, residential and commercial sites, industrial sites require greater attention to be given to active structure design. Designing for loads imposed by heavy operating machinery and equipment, effects of thermal fluctuations, or exposure to chemicals are just some of the vulnerabilities posed on the industrial site.
Geoquest engineers bring together structure performance, risk mitigation and safety. Years of research and development allow our engineers to develop innovative industrial solutions for:
- Material handling and storage
- Tip walls and conveyor tunnels
- Working platforms
- Containment for spillage and retention
- Explosives and chemical storage
- Protective structures
- Industrial roads and bridges

Load bearing working platforms
Industrial sites are known to require areas for huge machinery and equipment to function either while stationary or mobile. Designing and supplying materials for heavily loaded Reinforced Earth® MSE walls is rooted in our general approach. Geoquest is known for MSE walls carrying live loads of as much as 2,600 tonnes.
Containment walls
Geoquest’s Reinforced Earth® MSE walls are proven through full-scale testing to perform under extreme conditions. Containment through the use of MSE reservoirs, basins and tank enclosers is also possible.
Material handling and storage
Whether planning for live material storage for continuous inflow and outflow or for storing idled material, Geoquest’s Reinforced Earth® MSE and precast arches and vaults offer engineers alternatives for building above or below ground. Our engineered solutions play a vital role in developing turnkey industrial manufacturing and processing environments.
Protective barriers
Industrial assets management requires that engineers and builders incorporate risk mitigation measures into their site plans. We offer an array of engineered structures built to protect stakeholder’s fixed investments. Geoquest protective barriers include several types of MSE structures as well as precast arches and boxes designed to mitigate or resist damage caused by natural and industrial disasters.

Benefits of using Geoquest
Extreme load bearing capacity
Extreme load bearing capacity
Reinforced Earth® MSE structures have extreme load-bearing capacity and are resistant to vibrations, making them them ideal for supporting the live loads of heavy industrial vehicles and demanding activities.
Site safety
Site safety
Site safety is improved withGeoquestE structures, which can resist accidental fires and extreme temperature differences, such as liquid natural gas at -160°C and flame temperatures of about 1100°C.
Reinforced Earth® MSE with steel reinforcements is inherently non-flammable and highly resistant to thermal variations, which makes it an ideal choice for the construction of industrial infrastructure.

Speak to our team about your next project
Engineering expertise and 120 years or more of service life
Geoquest offers unrivalled engineering expertise to provide you with the best design and supply package, coupled to commercial excellence that will make your next road development project a success.
Guaranteeing long-term life duration and minimum necessity for maintenance of the infrastructure is of outmost importance, and our designs are optimised based on the service life that is required.