Geoquest’s retaining wall solutions are recognised worldwide as the preferred economical solution to ordinary and extraordinary earth retention and load support requirements for railroads
Geoquest applications include:
- Grade separations
- Bridge abutments
- Slope stabilisation
- Cut-and-cover tunnels
- Buried bridge structures
Retaining walls
The inherent strength and flexibility of a Reinforced Earth® (MSE) gives rail and transit stakeholders and their engineers and constructors powerful means for meeting structural, geotechnical and economical challenges with solutions for projects of all types, sizes and complexities. Geoquest can also design and supply alternative precast retaining wall options, such as include T-Wall® modular and TechWall™ counterfort precast retaining walls when challenged with more restrictive circumstances including highly restrictive rights-of-way, narrow in-fill clearances and obstructions behind the wall facing.
When designers for railway widenings and twinnings encounter existing structures in close and encroaching proximity to new structures, the shored retaining wall TerraLink™ solution is to be considered. TerraLink™ can be constructed in front of an existing structure or natural soil or rock, with narrow space between the two.

Cut and cover railway tunnels
Precast arches are frequently used for the construction of railway tunnels in built earth embankments or in cut-and-cover conditions. The Precast solution involves a strong soil-structure interaction, associating prefabricated concrete arches to a structural backfill. The main advantages of Precast are the material and structural quality, the rapidness of installation and the adaptability to the specific clear opening size requirements of each project.
Precast is especially efficient when building the structures over existing rail tracks below traffic when closure during installation is either not an option or must be minimised. Reinforced Earth® MSE is a logical complementary technique for the construction of spandrel walls and tunnel portal walls.
Benefits of using Geoquest
Strength, resilience, durability
Strength, resilience, durability
Geoquest wall systems provide for significant load bearing, resistance to stray currents, resistance to vibrations, and resistance to deformation.
Reliability and reduced maintenance
Reliability and reduced maintenance
Standardised manufacturing for components ensures consistent and uniform quality and appearance. Our solutions have proven to be durable and to require limited maintenance.
Lower environmental impact
Lower environmental impact
Using relatively thin sections results in lesser consumption of concrete, steel, and land use, thus reducing carbon emission while minimising environmental footprints.

Speak to our team about your next project
Engineering expertise and 120 years or more of service life
Geoquest offers unrivalled engineering expertise to provide you with the best design and supply package, coupled to commercial excellence that will make your next road development project a success.
Guaranteeing long-term life duration and minimum necessity for maintenance of the infrastructure is of outmost importance, and our designs are optimised based on the service life that is required.